Helping REAL people find REAL results...

Fighting the good fight against addiction, since 2009

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See some stories of how the FIT Ministry has impacted and changed lives.

Before I found myself at F.I.T. Ranch, my life was marked by confusion, emptiness, and a lack of direction. I was searching for something, anything, that could fill the void inside me. I had heard about God and Jesus Christ, but they seemed distant and irrelevant to my daily struggles.

Little did I know, my journey to F.I.T. Ranch would become the turning point in my life. From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed into a community that lived out the gospel in a way I had never experienced before. The fellowship at F.I.T. Ranch was genuine, rooted in love and mutual support.

Here, I learned what it truly means to be part of the body of Christ. Each day was filled with moments of learning, sharing, and growing together in our faith.The program at F.I.T. Ranch was not just about understanding the gospel but about living it out. The teachings provided a clear map to living a new life in Jesus Christ.

Through prayer, Bible study, and mentorship, I began to see the world through a different lens. I learned that my past mistakes and sins were forgiven, and that I was a new creation in Christ. This newfound identity gave me hope and purpose.One of the most impactful aspects of my time at F.I.T. Ranch was the emphasis on discipleship. I wasn’t just learning about Christ; I was being equipped to follow Him and help others do the same.

The mentors and fellow participants walked alongside me, helping me apply biblical principles to every aspect of my life. This discipleship was transformative, reshaping my character and guiding my decisions.
The fellowship at F.I.T. Ranch was a constant reminder of God’s love and grace. We shared our struggles and victories, praying for one another and celebrating growth. This sense of community was vital in my spiritual journey. It showed me that I wasn’t alone and that together, we could overcome any challenge through Christ.

Today, I am a living testimony of God’s transformative power. My life has been radically changed by the gospel, the fellowship, and the discipleship at F.I.T. Ranch. I have a clear purpose and direction, rooted in my identity as a follower of Jesus Christ. I am eternally grateful for the love, support, and guidance I received, and I am committed to sharing this life-changing message with others.

Interested in Joining?

If you are interested in joining the FIT Ministry Program, please click below to get in touch with us today. Starting your application could be your BIG first step to finding real hope.